Product Overview
Livigent is able to provide complementary filtering techniques like image filtering, URL blacklists or white lists (in form of glob lists or regexp lists), MIME type filtering, instant messaging and P2P file sharing blocking.

Livigent at a glance
Image altering

URL filtering
MIME type filtering
Protocol filtering
Time-controlled filtering

Supported users
In Livigent’s context, a user describes the type of entity the system recognizes and applies filtering policies to.
The system allows filtering of five types of clients:
- IP user
- Network user
- Active Directory user
- Active Directory Group
- Proxy user
Traffic Shaping

Logging and reporting
Hardware-based solution
Support features
Free system updates
Customer care
Livigent processes various websites’ text content, offering a unique priority based procedure for filtering it. As a result of the real-time analysis, text content is classified into categories. Each category of text content can have assigned a specific filter action (allow, block, coach). The filter actions are triggered when the amount of content from a category exceeds its specified threshold.
Use the feature below for a live demonstration on how Livigent works.