Q & A

This section contains a list of answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning Livigent. To make it easier for you to find your way around the set of FAQs, we’ve divided them into categories: the Filtering system section regards filtering functionality issues, and the Administration section refers to setup and configuration issues (both hardware and software).

If you can’t find the answer to your question in this section, please go the live support page.

Filtering system

Why do my users still pass the Livigent machine, even if I have added them as proxy users? Where to do that in the interface?
Check to see if the proxy module is loaded. Check that the traffic passes through the Livigent machine, also check the actions, in the latest log entries.

I’ve added the users right, made all the modification my network needed, but still, my users aren’t filtered… did I mention I’m using it in routing mode?
In order to filter data (content) in routing mode, the packets must travel as request through the Livigent machine, and return from the server, through the Livigent machine as well. If the requests from the clients are going through Livigent machine and do not return through that machine, the content will not be filtered. In order to achieve this you must add a static rule on your router(s) to route data to the clients (machines behind Livigent box), through the Livigent machine. Obviously using the Livigent machine in routing mode you must put the default gateway through that machine.

URL glob list

I added a URL Glob List, but it seems that the Livigent machine doesn’t filtered it, why?
Because the servers redirect you the “/” of the site, you must add a rule matching the “/”.

ex. blocking sites that terminate in .cn TLD, you must use something like this: .cn/* <- url glob list


URL regexp list

I’ve added a regexp rule but it seems that it’s not being applied
Double check the regexp rule is right.

ex. ^http:/\/\.*\..*girl\..* – this would match everything that starts with “http”, it escapes the “/” (slash), and matches 0 or more characters, then escapes the “.”. After that it matches for a word that contains “girl” in it’s host name, escape again the “.”, and then matches 0 or more characters a TLDs. ( Unescaped “.” means a single char, “*” means 0 or more).


MIME type filter

I’ve added a MIME type filter to catch the flash movies, but it seems these aren’t being blocked … why?
Most probably this is because the server delivers the flash movie using another MIME type. Check to see if they are not application/x-shockwave-flash, and then add the proper type, like application/octet-stream.


Image filter

How do I set to configure only a skin replacement threshold, but no image replacement?
Put the skin replacement threshold at your desired value, and a value of 100 to image replacement threshold.

My pictures are not filtered. Why?
Make sure the client machine (the machine that does the request) is behind Livigent.
Make sure the client machine has a policy assigned, and a image filtering item. Also, make sure the images are not accepted by an item placed above the image filtering item (like a whitelist). You can check the action in the latest log entries.


How do I change the login password?
You click the Settings button. If you don’t remember your password, on the login screen you click the Forgot my password button and it will be emailed to your address.

Is it possible to access by remote the Livigent interface?
If it has a public IP, and port 80 will be open, or any other modifications required to do so, yes (if by remote you understand outside of the internal network [LAN]).
In order to access the Livigent machine from outside your network you can:
a) give it a public (routable) IP, and give access to port 80 (will change this to 443 later) from the firewall. – or –
b) forward a port from the firewall to the Livigent’s box IP and port 80 (443 later),

ex. if the Livigent box has IP, you should forward a port, let’s say 8080 from the firewall to (later-

How would the internet connection be affected if the Livigent machine were installed only on one part of the network?
It would filter only the machines that are behind the Livigent machine (that is, whose traffic physically pass through the Livigent box)
The Livigent system would affect the traffic just for the part of the network that’s been filtered.

After I changed the network configuration for the Livigent machine it seems that I can’t reach the Livigent machine. What’s going on?
If you configured the Livigent machine to run in bridge and (accidentally, or willingly) you manged to plug both cables in same switch, a loop will take place and you probably broke your network. STP support is not available.